What Makes A Flamenco Guitarist?
For Flamenco players, it is the ability to accompany a knowledgeable singer
and/or dancer who is performing one of the standard forms in a more or less
standard way. You don't have to be very good as a guitarist to play this style
in it's essence. Many singers in Spain, for instance, knowing only two or three
chords, and playing even minimalistically by anyone's standards, can accompany
themselves or someone else. Most Flamenco players wouldn't claim to be "guitarists" at
all. What they are is interpretations of what is brought forth to them, whether
it accompanies song, dance, or anywhere in between.
This of course doesn't mean you have to sing or dance yourself anymore than
a boxing commentator has to step into the ring. However, it sure helps when
he or she knows what they are talking about, which in turn pleases the crowd
much more than someone who had no clue what was going on.
This may sound crazy, but you ARE a Flamenco guitarist, if you want to be.
We will show you a few styles in future lessons on HOW to show this, but
if you ever accompany anyone else musically, by singing, dancing, or anywhere
in between, you just might be - A Flamenco Guitarist!
Here to Continue to : "Accompanying as a Flamenco