Ok, so I was watching Stephen King's Sleepwalkers last night. Don't
ask. Anyway, this song came on and I just had to put it up. I actually
forgot how cool this song was until I heard it. Of course, you are supposed
to play one of the guitars with a slide, but I thought, hey, we can
fake through this one with ease. The rhythm to this song is actually
easy. For the intro and the verse, you will just be playing each chord
five times. Remember, FIVE TIMES! It will throw the song off if you
don't keep the rhythm going just like that. The only time there is a
change in the rhythm is during the chorus, which you can see is just
playing the chords six straight times before going into each measure.
Here are the staffs that tell you what is what. If you see a staff
that doesn't look like the ones below, just remember that you will be
playing that chord the number of times the staff comes down.
Here is what you see in the intro and verse ( notice the rest at the
end of the fifth strumming ) :
Here are the chorus staffs :
Here are the chords used by the rhythm guitar for the intro :
Fm :
G7 :
There are two guitar parts. The guitar on top will be playing the chords,
which I included above for easy reference. You will also need to tune
the 1st guitar as followed :
F, A#, D#, G#, C, F
The second guitar part is what you see tabbed out. Here is how you
will have to tune :