Ok, so this may seem funny, but there have been a great deal of requests
for riffs that haven't been done yet. Well, here is one for you really
advanced players out there! The riff is set to 100 bpm (beats per minute),
but it's in what's called cut time (also called double time). This means
that the song is really double the speed of 100 bpm which is a blazing
tempo of 200 bpm.
You'll find cut time illustrated in music with a capital C with a slash
through it like so:
This theme song was originally the music heard while playing Super
Mario Brothers which is just a bunch of computerized instrument parts.
We've arranged it for 3 guitars. Here is what all of the parts sound
like together.
In the tab staff below are guitars one and two. Guitar 1 plays the
main melody which are the notes on top. Guitar 2 plays a harmony part
to the main melody which are the notes on the bottom.
Guitar 1
This guitar will be playing the top line on the tablature.
Guitar 2
This part will be playing the low line on the tablature. This is also
the guitar part that plays the 12th fret twice on the G string.
Guitar 3
This part is the bass (not bass guitar per say, but the computerized
bass) part in the actual song, but it's arranged here for guitar.